Blog N°11 - Lesson One Reflection

Lesson 1 Reflection

Q: What am I most proud of and why?

A: I'm proud of all of the research I have done. My research has taken me in unexpected directions and overall I am learning so much about my topic. I am glad that I was able to make time on my presentation and still have much more to say. It makes me feel confident about my project and work.

Q: What assessment would I gave myself and why?

A: Realistically I would give myself a P. My hook activity was not as creative or engaging as I had hoped for, however I still had a lot of content and felt very prepared overall. 

Q: What would I change?

A: I would change my hook activity for something a little more creative if I was given more time. I think having more time to present will allow me to be more creative. Also, I would have slowed down because I felt myself shaking from how fast I was talking. I was just excited. I feel like since I only have eight minuets, I rushed to say everything I planned out and I am hoping that with more time to present, I will be more comfortable and natural.

Blog N°10 - Interview 2 Reflection

A Reflection of Interview Two.

1. How I'm spending my mentor-ship time.

At Co, I am an intern. Apart from doing normal tasks such as helping around anyone who needs it in the loft and keeping the loft clean, I spend a lot of my time working with the press rack and log. My job is to ensure that stylists who want to pull from our collection properly fill out an accountability form will all of the correct style numbers. When the stylist returns those items, I again must ensure that everything is returned, nothing is broken, and I have to log what the items were used for, who wore them, and if they were photographed or printed in a magazine. This is one of the ways we keep track of influential marketing within the brand. I also shadow in on marketing strategy meetings and do a lot of research for upcoming events.

2. How I found my mentor.

My brother is my mentor and he actually convinced me to come intern for him over the summer. After meeting everyone in the loft, I soon became interested in fashion marketing especially and have been grateful to learn a lot from the others who work alongside my mentor.

3. How comfortable am I with my mentor?

At my internship, we keep it very professional.  Although the other team members know we are related, my brother and everyone else still treats me as an equal. None of them are afraid to teach me and guide me into the right direction. I love interning at Co because it doesn't just feel like I'm only there because of my brother. I've seen other interns let go because they simply were not the right fit for the brand. Being dedicated and available to everyone makes others more comfortable and trusting towards you.

4. What went well in this interview?

Although it was a fast interview, I got some interesting stories on how Jonathan found his passion and walked alongside with him on his reflection of how he got to where he is now. It was definitely interesting to hear his evolution and I learned things I previously did not know about him. With that being said, I'm ready to interview a different person in order to provide new content for my research.

Blog N°9 - Advisory Prep 3


Status Update on Mentor
  • I am still with my same mentor, Jonathan. This month he has given me new material to read as well as research assignments. We have scheduled an interview date and we are both very excited for the second interview.
 Topic Focus
  • I am most interested in social media marketing as it is currently the biggest trend in fashion marketing. Furthermore, I think Public Relations and Fashion Marketing are often included within each other, so I'm looking to further research their correlation. 
New Sources?
  • Like aforementioned, I'm looking to narrow my search results to deeper investigate public relations and how greatly it correlates with fashion marketing. Furthermore, one of my previous articles briefly talked about the fashion marketing theory, so I am definitely going to investigate this theory and it will probably lead me to more similar theories.  I find new sources by researching briefly mentioned, interesting bits in my research articles. It kind of feels like looking up the definition of a word in the dictionary and then looking up the word they used to describe the first word, so that's fun. 
Possible EQ
  • What does fashion marketing aim to achieve?
  • How essential is fashion marketing to your brand?
  • What is the most successful fashion marketing technique that is versatile to all levels of fashion?

Blog N°8 - Independent Component 1 Proposal

If you haven't already, check out Co Collection's Spring 2016 Look Book
Q: Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
A: I plan on using my experience of working on the Co look book shoot to create and market my own look book on my blog to introduce the people I am working with.

28 Hours Working on Set with Co Creators, Fashion Marketers, Fashion Legends, Models, and an Amazing Crew.
Plan + Execute a Themed Look Book introducing The Loft + My Mentors
Market the Look Book on my Blog as a Film + Magazine esque Version

 Q: Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
 A: I expect to get half credit for the hours I put in on set. The additional hours will be fulfilled by the time and effort put into shooting, editing, and composing the look book as additional content for my blog.

Q: Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
A: My idea allows me to take what I have learned so far and apply it to my own little project. I have already figured out the vibe of Co and I aim to make this little look book film something that correlates to the brand and ties into my blog. This also allows me to creatively introduce who i am working with, and potentially learn more about the people I work individually. My original idea was to make this look book Halloween themed. However, I am not to sure on how well I can time this since it is the beginning of a new fashion season, so for now it's just a basic introductory themed look book.

Q: Update your Senior Project Hours log.
A: I feel like this is more of a statement / command so, okay! 

Blog N°7 - Second Interview Preparation

Jonathan Rodriguez

Q: Who is your mentor and where do they work?  If their workplace does not reflect their expertise, what makes them an expert?

A: My mentor is Jonathan Rodriguez. He works for Co Collections in Downtown Los Angeles as a Press and Marketing Assistant, as well the studio manager.

Q: What five questions will you ask them about their background?
  1. How did you decide to enter this profession?
  2. What kind of schooling or experience does it take to do this job?
  3. How long have you worked here?
  4. What steps would you recommend I take in order to get a job like yours? 
  5. Do you plan to do this for the rest of your life?
  6. What’s the worst part of your job? / What’s the best part of your job? 


Blog N°6: Advisory Prep



1. What has worked well for you concerning senior project this year?  What has made it a positive experience for you?   

Being around very creative individuals has motivated me to dive into my project, go to mentor ship, and network with other creative people who could further my project. Also, the amount of support I have been getting from people in the industry has been overwhelming. It's very reassuring to know that I have a whole team behind me who only wants me to succeed. The overall vibes surrounding my project have been good and I am grateful.

 2. What are you finding difficult concerning senior project?  How can you adapt to make that portion work better for you?  How might the senior team help?

Since my mentor ship is in LA and I am afraid of going long distances on the freeway, it has been a little difficult getting to my mentor ship. I make sure to make the busier days when I will be more likely to learn something important. However, some parts of the season are slower than others so it is just about finding the right days and getting there, especially now that school has started. 

Blog N°5: Interview 1 Reflection

Click Here to Listen to A Snippet of My Interview 

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview? Is there anything I would do differently for other interviews?

  • I learned more about my mentor's perspective on the industry. He introduced new ideas to me and gave me more things to research. I feel that overall, this interview was beneficial to advancing my research efforts. I would probably, however, ask more questions in the future.

2. Did I get additional resources and contacts? What is the most useful? Why?

  • Jonathan gave me an abundance of additional contacts. I am grateful to have the opportunity of having a mentor who has networked and built relationships with other people that would be helpful to me.  
  • The most beneficial would be Scott, the former owner of Band of Outsiders. Since Jonathan previously worked for him, he is willing to help me reach out and possibly set up an interview. 

3. What makes my interviewee qualified to help me?

  • Jonathan is a graduate of UC Berkeley. He majored in Media Communications and Sociology. Previously, Jonathan worked at Band of Outsiders, where he gained new knowledge and experience of the fashion marketing world. At Band, he handled social media accounts as well worked on different marketing projects for the brand. Currently, Jonathan is the Press and Marketing Assistant and Studio Manager of Co Collection in LA. Co is a young, five year brand that is growing rapidly. Not only is Jonathan able to be apart of that growth, I as well have been given the opportunity to watch the company grow and really study the marketing techniques that are so important to the growth of Co.

Blog N°4: House Advisory Prep 1

On set for Co Spring 2016 Look Book Shoot

Senior Project: Hopes and Expectations

 Overall, I am extremely excited to see what projects I get to work on throughout the year. I have already had the pleasure of working alongside Co and Amanda Demme in the production of the Spring 2016 Look Book. That experience alone was unlike any other. I have already learned so much about the importance and affects of generating creative content for the brand, as well as the amount of effort is put in to quality content. Later this year, I will have the opportunity to analyze the sales brought in because of this look book. I have already started to see how producing content and putting out previews on social media platforms creates anticipation and desire among the brands' followers. I am definitely excited to focus more on how big of a resource social media really is when marketing a fashion brand. There are so many little details to marketing that I never really thought about before. I am expecting to dive deeper into the world of fashion marketing and basically just absorbing everything I can from each of my mentors. Each member of Co is essential to my topic and I hope to spend the next year building a stronger relationship from which I can learn from. With the help of my mentors, I know I can accomplish my goals of understanding the essentials of marketing and how different techniques can be used for different targets. Gaining this experience and knowledge will be invaluable to my future success.

Blog N°3: First Interview Preparation

Stephanie Danan for PORTER Magazine

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  Why?

I plan on interviewing the co-founder of Co, Stephanie Danan. She has successfully marketed her business and has had her clothing styled for well-known celebrities and models on the cover of well-known magazines.

2.  Five questions will be assigned to all seniors to ask.  What additional questions do you plan to ask?  Ask open-ended questions. 

  • Where do you typically find inspiration?
  • Are you limited in ways to market your brand? 
  • How do you find creative new ways to market your brand while keeping the overall elegance of your clothing?
  • What are the major ways you market now and are they different from past years?
  • What are your plans in terms of marketing for the future collections? 
  • What do you feel works best for your company and the target audience?
  • How do you make your marketing strategies relevant to your audience?


Jonathan on location for the Co Spring '16 Lookbook at the Samuel Navarrow House in Hollywood.

  1. List the contact name, phone number, and organization of the person with whom you volunteered.

    1. I interned / mentored under the supervision of Jonathan at Co Collections in Downtown LA.  
Contact Name: Jonathan Rodriguez  
Phone Number: (626) 203-8979
Organization: Co Collections  

  1. What qualified this person as an expert in your topic choice?

    1. Jonathan graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Media Communications. He has worked on numerous projects that revolve around marketing such as working on lookbooks and updating the company’s social media accounts. Although Jonathan oversees my internship, I work alongside five other Co Members that oversee different aspects of the company. I am fortunate to essentially have six mentors that have all contributed to my interest in fashion merchandising.

  1. List three questions for further exploration now that you've completed your summer hours.

    1. How has social media changed fashion marketing?
    1. Who does a fashion marketing expert need to work with in order to target the correct demographic?
    1. How are targeted demographics decided?

  1. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?

    1. The most important thing I have gained is the experience of working amongst insanely talented professionals. Everyone who works in the loft is very good at what they do. They have acquired the company’s aesthetic and are able to produce work that seamlessly flows together to  keep the company progressing.

  1. What is your senior project topic going to be?  How did mentorship help you make your decision?  Please explain.

    1. My senior topic will revolve around fashion merchandising. My mentorship allowed me to work in different aspects of the fashion industry such as marketing, design, production, and press. I gravitated towards marketing the most. I love this aspect of fashion because it is such an essential part of starting and branding your own business. I feel that this will be a valuable mentorship in which I can take the skills that I will learn and apply them elsewhere.

Blog N°1: Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection

1.     What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?    
a.     Personally, the three most helpful lessons I attended included Ian Kam’s physical therapy presentation, Ariami Garcia’s neonatal nursing presentation, and Natalie Bryne’s effects of the fashion industry presentation. Ian’s presentation was full of information, but it was still very entertaining and he kept his audience engaged. His presentation felt natural and very well put together. Ariami’s presentation on being a specialty nurse interested me because it helped me think of the possible specialties I could specialize in as a nurse. Natalie’s presentation was more of a cautionary “heads up.” I realized that solid research is the solid backbone of your presentation. Without solid research that flows and is understandable, your presentation is a mess. I had no idea what was going on in Natalie’s presentation, but it definitely gave me insight on what a good presentation should feel like.

2.     List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?

a.     Passion is something every senior and teacher I have talked to seems to stress. I have learned that in order for your project to be interesting, helpful, and ultimately enjoyable to yourself, it has to be a topic you are genuinely interested in or passionate about. Choosing a topic that is interesting and will challenge me will motivate me to start.

3.     What topic(s) are you considering, and why?

a.     I am considering nursing as my senior topic. More specifically, I want to focus on nurse practitioners. I have always been interested in hospital settings, especially ER’s. Never wanting to go through medical school to become a doctor, I decided being a nurse was the next best thing. It wasn’t until this year that I explored the different levels one could reach after becoming a nurse.

4.     What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).

a.     “What is the most important skill / quality a nurse practitioner must have in order to effectively do his / her job?”

5.     What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?

a.     I a planning to apply for a volunteer position at The Greater El Monte Community Hospital this summer since I grew up in El Monte and I have made connections with the nurses over the past years. I am also planning to apply and talk to many hospitals around my area just to have options since I think it might be difficult to be mentored.

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