Blog N°14 - Third Interview Preparation

6:34 PM

Anotha One

Q: Who do you plan to interview? 
A: I plan on doing my interview with Emily & Meritt, founders of Current Elliot. 

Q: When?
A: Monday the 18th around noon. 

Q: Open-ended question to help answer my EQ?
A: In what ways, if any, has social media influenced the way you choose to market your brand.
     How do you know social mediums help and not hurt your brand?

Q: Q's to help think of an activity?
A: If I were to launch my own brand, what should I be doing in terms of marketing on social media?

Q: Q's to help the interviewee's perspective on my EQ?
A:  Do you see any influences that social media has had on marketing within your own brand or even as a consumer? 
      How would the world of fashion marketing be different if social media did not exist?

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