Blog N°3: First Interview Preparation

8:08 PM

Stephanie Danan for PORTER Magazine

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  Why?

I plan on interviewing the co-founder of Co, Stephanie Danan. She has successfully marketed her business and has had her clothing styled for well-known celebrities and models on the cover of well-known magazines.

2.  Five questions will be assigned to all seniors to ask.  What additional questions do you plan to ask?  Ask open-ended questions. 

  • Where do you typically find inspiration?
  • Are you limited in ways to market your brand? 
  • How do you find creative new ways to market your brand while keeping the overall elegance of your clothing?
  • What are the major ways you market now and are they different from past years?
  • What are your plans in terms of marketing for the future collections? 
  • What do you feel works best for your company and the target audience?
  • How do you make your marketing strategies relevant to your audience?

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