Blog N°10 - Interview 2 Reflection

11:49 PM

A Reflection of Interview Two.

1. How I'm spending my mentor-ship time.

At Co, I am an intern. Apart from doing normal tasks such as helping around anyone who needs it in the loft and keeping the loft clean, I spend a lot of my time working with the press rack and log. My job is to ensure that stylists who want to pull from our collection properly fill out an accountability form will all of the correct style numbers. When the stylist returns those items, I again must ensure that everything is returned, nothing is broken, and I have to log what the items were used for, who wore them, and if they were photographed or printed in a magazine. This is one of the ways we keep track of influential marketing within the brand. I also shadow in on marketing strategy meetings and do a lot of research for upcoming events.

2. How I found my mentor.

My brother is my mentor and he actually convinced me to come intern for him over the summer. After meeting everyone in the loft, I soon became interested in fashion marketing especially and have been grateful to learn a lot from the others who work alongside my mentor.

3. How comfortable am I with my mentor?

At my internship, we keep it very professional.  Although the other team members know we are related, my brother and everyone else still treats me as an equal. None of them are afraid to teach me and guide me into the right direction. I love interning at Co because it doesn't just feel like I'm only there because of my brother. I've seen other interns let go because they simply were not the right fit for the brand. Being dedicated and available to everyone makes others more comfortable and trusting towards you.

4. What went well in this interview?

Although it was a fast interview, I got some interesting stories on how Jonathan found his passion and walked alongside with him on his reflection of how he got to where he is now. It was definitely interesting to hear his evolution and I learned things I previously did not know about him. With that being said, I'm ready to interview a different person in order to provide new content for my research.

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