Blog N°18 - Answer Two

7:18 AM

Essential Question

How does social media influence Fashion Marketing?

First Answer

Social Media marketing grants brands access to accurate and invaluable data from loyal customers. Brands then use this data to improve their brand. 

Second Answer

Social media has created an opportunity for  influencers to become the most powerful for fashion marketing.

Three Real Life Examples
  1. In my interview, Chrissy Huang said that brands influencer marketing is a must for small brands looking to get more exposure.
  2. Fashion vloggers / bloggers have become social media celebrities and are now invited to fashion shows and launch parties that used to be exclusive to designers only.
  3. For every one dollar a company spends on an influencer, the company makes six dollars. 
Printed Sources

BEST: Jones, Sarah. "How Much Influence Do Fashion Bloggers Have?" Luxury Daily RSS. Luxury Daily, 26 Nov. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Simpson, Jack. "Eight Influencer Marketing Stats for Fashion & Beauty Brands." Econsultancy, 26 Jan. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Hsu, Tina. "Why Influencer Marketing with Social Media Celebrities Is the Hottest Trend in Luxury Fashion Marketing." Keyhole. Extreme Venture Partners, 10 Nov. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2016. 

Vingan Klien, Alyssa. "FASHION AND BEAUTY BRANDS ARE INVESTING MORE IN INFLUENCER MARKETING THAN EVER." Fashionista. N.p., 26 Jan. 2016. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

Bilkova, Tereza. "Fashion Bloggers, the Perfect Example of Influencer Marketing Potential - Thismoment Content Marketing Blog." Thismoment Content Marketing Blog. Thismoment, 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

To Conclude...

I believe that fashion influencers are the most interesting people to look at in social media marketing. Social media has created a world for regular people to build a following and share their opinions, AND profit from it. I think it's absolutely crazy that the top influencers in the game are earning upwards of $5K per post. Social media has definitely influenced the way in which we do our research before buying, and can influence us into lusting after a certain lifestyle that is being sold by these influencers. I strongly think this could be my best answer.   

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