Blog N°18 - Answer Two

Essential Question

How does social media influence Fashion Marketing?

First Answer

Social Media marketing grants brands access to accurate and invaluable data from loyal customers. Brands then use this data to improve their brand. 

Second Answer

Social media has created an opportunity for  influencers to become the most powerful for fashion marketing.

Three Real Life Examples
  1. In my interview, Chrissy Huang said that brands influencer marketing is a must for small brands looking to get more exposure.
  2. Fashion vloggers / bloggers have become social media celebrities and are now invited to fashion shows and launch parties that used to be exclusive to designers only.
  3. For every one dollar a company spends on an influencer, the company makes six dollars. 
Printed Sources

BEST: Jones, Sarah. "How Much Influence Do Fashion Bloggers Have?" Luxury Daily RSS. Luxury Daily, 26 Nov. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Simpson, Jack. "Eight Influencer Marketing Stats for Fashion & Beauty Brands." Econsultancy, 26 Jan. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Hsu, Tina. "Why Influencer Marketing with Social Media Celebrities Is the Hottest Trend in Luxury Fashion Marketing." Keyhole. Extreme Venture Partners, 10 Nov. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2016. 

Vingan Klien, Alyssa. "FASHION AND BEAUTY BRANDS ARE INVESTING MORE IN INFLUENCER MARKETING THAN EVER." Fashionista. N.p., 26 Jan. 2016. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

Bilkova, Tereza. "Fashion Bloggers, the Perfect Example of Influencer Marketing Potential - Thismoment Content Marketing Blog." Thismoment Content Marketing Blog. Thismoment, 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

To Conclude...

I believe that fashion influencers are the most interesting people to look at in social media marketing. Social media has created a world for regular people to build a following and share their opinions, AND profit from it. I think it's absolutely crazy that the top influencers in the game are earning upwards of $5K per post. Social media has definitely influenced the way in which we do our research before buying, and can influence us into lusting after a certain lifestyle that is being sold by these influencers. I strongly think this could be my best answer.   

Blog 17 - Interview N°3 Reflection

A Conversation With Cissy Huang

Cissy Huang formally was a Press and Marketing Associate for Band of Outsiders. There she learned how to work with social media in regards to marketing. Currently, she is a Marketing Coordinator at Aesop.


The most important thing I learned from this interview that every brand and company is vastly different. Knowing and understanding the overall identity of the brand is very important to set the tone for any kind of content.

My approach to interviews has dramatically changed. I now focus on questions that will give me professional opinions on what I have been researching. I like to challenge the articles I've read with real life opinions I receive from these interviews. It is also fun to have someone else professionally acknowledge my research and essentially have a conversation with me on my topic. I feel that by asking more specific questions, you don't always get the expected answers as you would on google. Insight is very important and I am happy that I have learned to develop questions that help me explore my answers and further my research. 

Independent Component N°2 Proposal


How this explores my topic:
I plan on exploring my second answer through this component. My second answer revolves around fashion influencer's and how they changed the fashion industry through the use of social media. I want to explore this answer because in my recent research, I noticed that most of the actual change that is happening within the fashion industry has come from bloggers and influencers on social media. The fashion industry is no longer exclusive to designers and models, now we are getting multiple point of views into this world from people who started off with the same passion for fashion as I have.

What I plan to do:
I plan on going to fittings at my mentor ship to talk to these influencer. I want to interview the people we style and understand their role as an influencer for the brand.

How this makes up 30 hours:

Like aforementioned, I plan on attending these fittings with my mentor. Additionally, the interviews would add extra hours and depth to my blog.
To get a little more creative with this component, I want to reach out to social media influencers' who has branded themselves through these platforms and possibly have a conversation with them about how they broke into the industry, why it is important, how it has impacted the fashion industry, and so on.



I, Ashley Rodriguez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents thirty hours of work. (Click to view my hours logged)

For my first independent component, I teamed up with Victoria Nakai to create a small business. We put in a lot of time and effort into this collaboration. Our brand was created with the intention of empowering females and providing products that we stand by.
Apart from assisting in actual production, and basically all aspects of this project, I mainly focused on running and promoting our social media accounts. 

I think teaming up with Victoria really allowed me to explore my topic first hand. I realized how difficult it is to start a business from scratch and create a marketing plan that effectively represents your brand. I experienced essential components of creating a business and that really taught me that you must fully understand your brand in order to effectively create content without compromising your brand's personality.
From business meetings, supply trips, production days, and photo shoots, I can proudly say that this is only the beginning. We have so much more planned for this brand and I hope it continues to be a learning experience I can benefit greatly from.

LA Supply Trip Vlog
Our Front Page (Link At The Top of This Post)

The Process: Planning, Supplies, Production.

Promotional Content


Lee, Kevan. "How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy From Scratch." Buffer Social. N.p., 20 July 2015. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

"The Importance of Analyzing and Understanding Social Media Efforts for Your Fashion Brand." StartUp FASHION. StartUp FASHION, 12 Sep. 2013. Web. 21 Jan. 2016. 

Lesson N°2 Refelction

It wasn't that bad.

Q: What am I most proud of?

A: I think my content was solid and I received a lot of positive feedback on my presentation. That's always a nice feeling. I put a lot of effort into the presentation and I'm glad people learned from it.

Q: What assessment would I give myself and why?

A: I think I would give myself a solid P. I followed the contract and put in a lot of effort. I think it was overall a solid presentation.

Q: What would I change?

A: The only thing I would change is my voice. Although I felt like I had a strong and clear tone throughout my presentation, I was a little nervous and therefore, my voice shook a little. Other than that, I'm content.

Q: What worked?

A: I think my power point reflected my style and conveyed what I was trying to say nicely. It was understandable and aesthetically pleasing. I also think explaining the key takeaways from my hook and activity helped others understand my answer.

Q: What didn't work?

A: I think the entire presentation was solid. I planned my presentation so that it would seamlessly flow together. From the into, to the hook, to the actual presentation, activity, and wrap-up.

Q: What do I think my answer two is going to be?

A: I think my next answer will deal with the relationship created when marketing your brand through social media. Social Media marketing is relatively new, and has opened up new ways for brands to communicate and actually form a relationship with the consumer. I might go in a different direction and explore the idea that any other form of fashion marketing can be done through social media, since we live in a digital age.

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