Blog N°24 - Last Presentation Reflectio


(1) Positive Statement
What are you most proud of in your block presentation and/or your senior project? Why?
I am most proud of all of the research I was able to do on my topic. Research makes a big difference on how solid your presentation is and I would have been lost without all of the hard work, time, and effort, I put in to research checks. 

(2) Questions to Considera.     What assessment would you give yourself on your block presentation?  Use the component contract to defend that assessment.
I would grade my presentation an AE for going in depth with each of my answers as well as having an engaging activity. Also, no one fell asleep during my presentation so I feel like that's a plus. My activity worked extremely well with my presentation and my hook activity correlated well with my answers.

b.     What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project? Use the component contract to defend that assessment.

I worked extremely hard on my senior project. I put in so much time and effort into it. It really became something I learned a lot from and am genuinely passionate about. Therefore, I feel like my project deserves an AE as I went into depths of research and hours of mentorship to really explore my topic and enhance my experience. 

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?

Being passionate about my topic and actually wanting to research and go to mentorship. I didn't give up on my senior project I really tried to explore it fully.
(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your senior project?

I would have gone to mentorship more often than I did. I loved going, but I didn't always have the opportunity to.
(5) Finding Value

How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors?   Be specific and use examples.
My topic allowed me to find different skills that can lead me into many different career paths. I feel prepared and excited to start working on my college education. Talking to so many different educated people in the fashion industry strengthened my interpersonal skills and overall prepared me for real world networking and so on. I have many different options to choose from and I have never been more excited.



(1) What is your essential question, and what are your answers?  What is your best answer and why?

EQ: How does social media influence fashion marketing?

Answer N°1 - Social media marketing grants access to accurate and invaluable data from loyal customers that brands can use to their advantage. 

Answer N°2-  Social media has created an opportunity for influencers to become one of the most influential forms of social media marketing.

Answer N°3 - Social media marketing has influenced and created new ways buyers to experience shopping. 

My best answer is my second answer. I am so mind blow by the amount of opportunities social media marketing has created in the fashion industry. It has transformed the industry from a hard to break into, closed off industry, to an inclusive industry that allows small brands to come up easier than in the last ten years. 

(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?

Throughout my research, I was most interested with influencers as a core marketing strategy. My research continuously suggested it was the best strategy for small business and  I love that anyone can make a name for themselves. Most people with social media accounts are exposed to this type of marketing strategy, whether they realize it or not. So I felt that it was the most relevant answer for my presentation audience demographic.  

(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?

Senior year was a problem. It was hard to keep up with research checks along with other senior commitments. However, the research notebook is one of the most beneficial components of the senior project, that I forced myself to continue to sift through articles and information to really come to a strong and solid answer. 

(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?

Hope, Katie. "How Social Media Is Transforming the Fashion Industry." BBC News. The BBC, 5 Feb. 2016. Web. 3 Mar. 2016. 

This article did a good job of breaking down important aspects of influencer marketing, as well as why brands should be embracing this strategy. 

 Vorhaus, Julianna. "Learn How Social Influencers Are Changing the Fashion World." TapInfluence. TapInfluence, 22 Apr. 2015. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. 

This article was short, but very to the point. It made me want to do more research on why influencer marketing was working over different strategies. The information on this article is also very important in summarizing the influence these influencers have. 

Blog N°22 - Independent Component Two

A Journey

I, Ashley Rodriguez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30+ hours of work.

I did an additional 30 hours for my second independent component. I attended mentor-ship as a social media intern. Since our company is small, I was able to work closely and have my own projects under social media marketing which was perfect for my project.
I also sat in on business meetings, did basic intern things, and did a lot of research. Overall, I feel like being in charge of analyzing social media posts benefited me the most. It was my own little project and I was able to apply my own research for an actual brand. Furthermore, I did some fun things like being on set for a photo shoot and assisting with client fittings. I understand the significance of my essential question more clearly as a result of my additional hours. Essentially, the component helped confirm the researched methods in my notes and helped me determine which strategies had more engaging responses. Therefore, that helped me narrow down my answers.

Khan, Humayan. "4 Creative Ways to Promote Your Product Through an Influential Fashion Blogger – Shopify." Shopify's Ecommerce Blog. Shopify, n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. 

Sabra, Ponn. "The 6 Marketing Principles Every Fashion Blogger Needs." IFB. N.p., 04 May 2015. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.

"Why Content Marketing Is Replacing Advertising in Fashion | Highsnobiety." Highsnobiety. Titel Media, 27 May 2015. Web. 21 Jan. 2016.

Blog N°21 - Interview Four Reflection

The Last One, Bless
Q: What is the most important thing I learned from this interview?

A: The most important thing I learned from this interview is how important social media is when it comes to fashion marketing. There are so many benefits and different ways to get your product out there an it's just an essential tool if you want to expand your brand and reach real people with real interests in your brand.

Q: How will what I learned affect my final lesson?

A: Throughout this interview I was reminded of key points I want to talk about in my lesson, as well as ideas on other things I found important as well. Overall, this interview really just helped shape what I want my presentation to include.

Blog N°20 Interview Four Prep

Interview Four Prep

Q: Who do you plan to interview?
A: I plan on interviewing Katie Rossef. 

Q: What is this person's area of expertise?
A:  Katie is a content director at Revolve Clothing in LA. She specializes in content creation and marketing. She has a degree from Berkeley and experience in multiple jobs. Furthermore, she is the photo shoot producer for Revolve. I feel like a new perspective on social media and fashion marketing from a content creator can really benefit my research + project; as well as help me narrow down my possible answers. 

  1. What do you feel is the most important aspect of social media marketing?
  2. Is there one strategy that stands out to you?
  3.  What is the goal of social media marketing?
  4. Do you feel as though social media marketing is just another trend?
  5. What is your opinion of fashion bloggers / influencers?
  6. How has social media changed the way we consume fashion?
  7. Do you feel like social media provides normal people at home with the chance of being apart of the fashion world?
  8. Should the fashion world go back to being exclusive?
  9. What is your opinion on fashion bloggers having more influence than publications like Vogue?
  10. Do you see any influences that social media has had on marketing within your own brand or even as a consumer?
  11. How would the world of fashion be different if social media was not invented?
  12. What’s the worst part of your job? / What’s the best part of your job?  
  13. How do you decide what kind of content is best for your brand?
  14. How do you find your brand's identity?
  15. What is the best marketing strategy for a small brand with a small budget?
  16. Should a company rely on one key strategy or should their marketing plan be comprised of multiple strategies?
  17. How do millennials influence social media and its influence on fashion marketing? 
  18. Do you think print marketing will ever go extinct?
  19. What is the best advice you can give to a new company on their marketing strategy? 
  20. Are there any key steps a brand should take before creating a market plan?

Blog N°19 - Third Answer

Essential Question
How Does Social Media Influenced Fashion Marketing?

Third Answer
Social media has influences the way we consume fashion, therefore affecting the way fashion companies market. 

Supporting Details

Content Marketing - Source 9
  • Fashion brands  create different forms of content in order to add more interest to their products. A buyer is a more likely to buy something featured by a blogger, an influencer, or on a post they like than going to a brick and motor store and buying the item traditionally. 
Fashion in Real Life - Source 24
  • Fashion events are now used as additional content for fashion marketers. Many brands host events such as fashion shows, launch parties, or exclusive trips with influencers to promote their brand. They do this by including access to these events through social media platforms such as Snapchat, Periscope, Instagram, twitter, etc. Often, the content posted is usually created by the influencers themselves. 
  • Furthermore, these social media apps give people at home access to fashion events that used to be exclusively for designers and editors, like fashion week. Bloggers and influencers are also being invited to these shows to produce content for their own sites and reach wider audiences. 
 How They're Giving It To Us - Source 31
  • Product descriptions, story telling content, product videos, explanation videos, lifestyle content, and soft sell editorial are all marketing techniques that have come out of social media fashion marketing. In order to stay competitive and creative, you much sell your product in unique and helpful ways through content distribution across all social media platforms your brand is using.
Overall, I think social media has dramatically changed the way fashion marketers are marketing. It has forced content creators to come up with new marketing strategies, and as a result, more and more people have broken into the fashion world and there are more consumers buying based on what people on social media are saying.

Blog N°18 - Answer Two

Essential Question

How does social media influence Fashion Marketing?

First Answer

Social Media marketing grants brands access to accurate and invaluable data from loyal customers. Brands then use this data to improve their brand. 

Second Answer

Social media has created an opportunity for  influencers to become the most powerful for fashion marketing.

Three Real Life Examples
  1. In my interview, Chrissy Huang said that brands influencer marketing is a must for small brands looking to get more exposure.
  2. Fashion vloggers / bloggers have become social media celebrities and are now invited to fashion shows and launch parties that used to be exclusive to designers only.
  3. For every one dollar a company spends on an influencer, the company makes six dollars. 
Printed Sources

BEST: Jones, Sarah. "How Much Influence Do Fashion Bloggers Have?" Luxury Daily RSS. Luxury Daily, 26 Nov. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Simpson, Jack. "Eight Influencer Marketing Stats for Fashion & Beauty Brands." Econsultancy, 26 Jan. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Hsu, Tina. "Why Influencer Marketing with Social Media Celebrities Is the Hottest Trend in Luxury Fashion Marketing." Keyhole. Extreme Venture Partners, 10 Nov. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2016. 

Vingan Klien, Alyssa. "FASHION AND BEAUTY BRANDS ARE INVESTING MORE IN INFLUENCER MARKETING THAN EVER." Fashionista. N.p., 26 Jan. 2016. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

Bilkova, Tereza. "Fashion Bloggers, the Perfect Example of Influencer Marketing Potential - Thismoment Content Marketing Blog." Thismoment Content Marketing Blog. Thismoment, 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

To Conclude...

I believe that fashion influencers are the most interesting people to look at in social media marketing. Social media has created a world for regular people to build a following and share their opinions, AND profit from it. I think it's absolutely crazy that the top influencers in the game are earning upwards of $5K per post. Social media has definitely influenced the way in which we do our research before buying, and can influence us into lusting after a certain lifestyle that is being sold by these influencers. I strongly think this could be my best answer.   

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