Blog N°14 - Third Interview Preparation

Anotha One

Q: Who do you plan to interview? 
A: I plan on doing my interview with Emily & Meritt, founders of Current Elliot. 

Q: When?
A: Monday the 18th around noon. 

Q: Open-ended question to help answer my EQ?
A: In what ways, if any, has social media influenced the way you choose to market your brand.
     How do you know social mediums help and not hurt your brand?

Q: Q's to help think of an activity?
A: If I were to launch my own brand, what should I be doing in terms of marketing on social media?

Q: Q's to help the interviewee's perspective on my EQ?
A:  Do you see any influences that social media has had on marketing within your own brand or even as a consumer? 
      How would the world of fashion marketing be different if social media did not exist?

Blog N°13 - 10 Hour Mentorship Check-In

I ran out of cool pictures to include in my blog updates.

Q: Where am I doing my mentorship?

A: Formally, I was doing my mentorship at Co Collections, I am transitioning into a mentorship at Current Elliot.

Q: Who is my contact & what makes them an expert?

A: Jonathan is a graduate of UC Berkeley. He majored in Media Communications and Sociology. Previously, Jonathan worked at Band of Outsiders, where he gained new knowledge and experience of the fashion marketing world. At Band, he handled social media accounts as well worked on different marketing projects for the brand. Currently, Jonathan is the Press and Marketing Assistant and Studio Manager at Current Elliot.

Q: How many hours have a done throughout the school year?

A: Twenty-seven.

Q: What did I do?

A: I assisted on a two day shoot for a campaign look book. I helped with prep, set-up, styling, etc.  I got along with everyone since my main focus was to be as resourceful as I could be to everyone.

Q: How do I plan to spend the rest of my hours?

A: I don't like going to mentor ship all the time since its mainly just basic intern things. I did that all throughout the summer for some base knowledge of the job. My main focus is coming along on shoots and styling sessions to really network and learn the most from my experience.

Blog N°12 - Holiday Project Update

Q: What did I do over the break regarding my project?

A: For the most part of my break, I was on vacation. I did however, network a lot throughout the break. I reached out to the head of public relations at Revolve, a trendy luxury brand, for a possible interview. As for my time on vacation, I used my plane ride to read up on upcoming trends that are predicted for 2016, as well as studied articles posted by the Business of Fashion.

Q: The most important things I learned and why?

A: I've always known how important networking in this industry is. You constantly have to reach out to others to further your own knowledge. It's pretty cool to see myself getting interviews with important people from brands I personally love that can further be a mentor to me. I also learned how fast this industry moves. Being on vacation can set you back, but consistently checking out blogs and articles made me feel like I was still keeping on track. This is a subject I am very close to and it doesn't feel like I will ever stop learning about fashion and the influences of social media.

Q: Who do I plan to interview next?

A: For the next assigned interview, like aforementioned, I plan to interview Revolve's head of public relations. Allison is a good friend of my mentor and will hopefully give me insight on what it's like working for a big company, as well as give me a different perspective on the industry. I am looking forward to hearing her opinions on social media and how it plays a role in fashion / her job.

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